Step into your Vitality, power, and freedom

The Anjali Power Yoga Mentoring Program is a 6 week program where you work one on one with an Anjali Power Yoga Teacher Leader. The program is about supporting you in a safe environment and helping you to create confidence by empowering you to TEACH! Each week you will teach a section of the Journey Into Power Sequence, receive feedback from your Mentor, and then have the opportunity to apply it in the next class. You will touch base with your Mentor weekly and practice self-inquiry and meditation to find what might be holding your back from being the most POWERFUL teacher you can be! At the end of the Anjali Power Yoga Mentoring Program, having fulfilled all requirements, you are eligible to register for YACEP hours.

The mentoring program focuses on the 10 Tenants of Teaching Baptiste yoga

1. Come from we are connected

2. Drop what you know and listen

3. Teach from the Methodology

4. Fill the space

5. Leave people in their own greatness

6. Speak into each and every

7. Listen for how your words are landing in people’s bodies and hearts 

8. Create the listening for contribution

9. Look for and speak to what is missing

10. Generate inspiration


  • Completed all requirements of the 200 Hour Anjali Teacher Leader Training or another 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training.

  • Memorized the Journey Into Power Sequence.


  • $450 for Anjali Power Yoga Teacher Leader Training Graduates

  • $650 for graduates from another Certified Yoga Teacher Training.

 *includes three months of unlimited yoga*


  • Mentor will work with you to set up a schedule of co-teaching twice a week for 6 weeks. This schedule will include both in studio and Live ONLINE classes. This schedule will provide you with the sequence or sequences you are teaching and reteaching for each week of Mentoring and be your guide. You will teach the Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga Journey Into Power Sequence during ALL mentoring sessions. Be ready for anything!

  • Mentor will set up a weekly 15-30 minute Touch Base with you. The purpose of this touch base is your opportunity to discuss your feedback, how things are landing with you, concerns you have, what you may want more of or less of. These are important meetings not to be missed. This meeting can be Face to Face, Skype Call or Phone call. You will keep a journal.

  • After your Mentoring Sessions have been completed, it will be recommended by your Mentor to move to your final step with is your Magic Carpet. This is live class taught at the studio where Anjali Teachers, Mentors, and students come to experience you teaching live.

If you are interested in the Anjali Power Yoga Mentoring Program, please contact us